TSB has extended its buy-to-let mortgage range to include two-year fixed rate mortgages for landlords looking to buy a new property at 75% loan-to-value (LTV).
The Bank has also introduced two-year tracker rate buy-to-let mortgages, available up to 75% LTV.
Landlords with a LTV between 60-75% can now take out a two-year fixed rate mortgage on a new property with rates starting at 2.99%.
TSB has a range of fixed rate buy-to-let mortgages available through brokers for landlords with a higher LTV looking for two, three or five year deals.
TSB is also introducing a range of two-year tracker mortgages for landlords looking to benefit from the historically low Bank of England Base Rate.
Rates start at 1.54% above the base rate with a fee of £1,995 for landlords with 60% LTV.
Roland McCormack, TSB Intermediary Director, said: “This is the latest step in our plan to offer a genuine alternative to the established intermediary lenders by providing brokers an expert-to-expert service that operates in all markets.”