Paragon Mortgages is targeting professional landlords with its new “winter range” of buy-to-let mortgages.
The range includes 22 new products designed for professional landlords, including those who hold their properties in vehicle companies.
The new range features two, three and five year fixes up to 75% LTV, along with a selection of tracker products.
The new products include a pair of two-year fixed rates at 3.70% and 4.10%, both with a 1.50% product fee.
Five-year fixed rates are also available at 4.30% and 4.75%, also with a 1.50% product fee.
John Heron, director of mortgages at Paragon, said: “The market is being given some very clear signals by government that policy going forward will favour professional landlords with larger portfolios that hold their properties within a corporate structure.
“Our winter range is building on Paragon’s strong proposition in this sector and offers an attractive range of fixed and tracker rates which will provide intermediaries with some strong options for professional landlord clients.”