Accord Buy to Let has cut the rates on its range of three and five-year fixed rate mortgages by up to 0.30%.
The intermediary-only lender, part of the Yorkshire Building Society Group, is also giving buy-to-let investors the option of added incentives.
Accord is now offering landlords with a 25% deposit a five-year fixed rate mortgage at 3.54% with a £800 product fee, plus £500 cashback on completion for house purchases.
It also offers a choice of either free standard valuation and legal fees, or £300 cashback on completion and free standard valuation for remortgages.
Accord has unveiled a three-year fixed rate mortgage 3.29% for landlords with 75% loan-to-value (LTV).
This deal has a £800 fee and offers £500 cashback on completion for house purchases, or a choice of either free standard valuation and legal fees, or £300 cashback on completion and free standard valuation for remotgages.
Chris Maggs, Accord’s Buy to Let commercial manager, said: “We are constantly reviewing our buy-to-let mortgages to offer the best fit for landlords, and the reductions on our three and five-year ranges allow brokers to choose the best loan to suit their clients’ requirements.
“We hope the additional incentives will minimise the initial outlay associated with expanding a portfolio or reduce landlords’ outgoings when remortgaging.”