Keystone Buy to Let Mortgages has “refreshed” its name to Keystone Property Finance to reflect the wider choice of finance it now offers.
David Whittaker, managing director of Keystone said: “In addition to buy-to-let mortgages, we already offer both short and mid-term finance solutions for residential landlords.
“We now have plans to broaden our offering to include products for commercial investors and business owner-occupiers.
“The change of name reflects the growth of the brand.”
Keystone’s website has changed to Staff email addresses have also been changed to the new domain.
All contact numbers remain the same and, to save brokers money, Keystone has introduced the local call prefix ‘0345’, which can be used instead of ‘0845’.
The new identity was planned to coincide with Keystone’s move from Sevenoaks to Kings Hill where it will share office space with the brand’s owner, Mortgages for Business.