Accord Buy to Let has bolstered its range of fixed rate mortgages for landlords with deposits of 25% or more.
The lender, which is part of the Yorkshire Building Society, aims to help landlords secure a great rate over a longer period of time by introducing 14 additional three and five-year rate mortgages. All the new mortgages come with a cashback feature of up to £750.
Commercial Manager at Accord Buy to Let, Chris Maggs, said: “With the threat of a potential rate rise looming, we feel our five-year fixed rate options will appeal to landlords at the moment, so we want to provide them with a choice of competitive deals.”
Earlier this week, Accord Mortgages confirmed that it will continue to provide free legal assistance or cashback up to £500 to both residential and buy-to-let remortgage customers as part of its offering to those taking out a mortgage.
The highlights for new purchases at 65% LTV include a 2.74% three-year fix with a product fee of £450, as well as £550 cashback on completion. Those looking for a lower rate can opt for a 2.24% three-year fix which comes with a £1,995 product fee and £250 cashback on completion, both of which follow a free standard valuation.
Maggs added: “We recently began offering mortgages to first-time landlords, so we hope our new purchase loans will help all landlords looking to build a buy-to-let portfolio.”
“There’s further good news for brokers and landlords as we have also reduced rates on selected mortgages by up to 0.02%, so we have a really competitive range that suits a variety of borrowing needs.”
Remortgaging landlords can benefit from a three-year 2.54% at 65% LTV, with a £950 product fee, plus £750 cashback on completion and free standard valuation. Alternatively, there is a five-year fix available at 2.51% for landlords with a 40% deposit. This mortgage comes with £550 cashback on completion and free standard valuation and has a £950 fee.