LendInvest has announced a £500m investment to contribute towards the cost of new Buy To Let and Residential Mortgage products.
This new funding will further the growth of LendInvest’s BTL business, which supports professional landlords, as well as its newly launched Residential Mortgage range, which has been developed to support customers underserved by high street providers.
LendInvest’s proprietary technology platform claims to make “even the most complex of cases simpler and faster” and improves the experience for prospective homeowners, property developers and professional landlords.
The £500m investment comes from Chetwood Financial Limited which joins a growing roster of global financial institutions choosing to support LendInvest’s mortgage products including Barclays Bank, BNP Paribas, Citi, HSBC, JP Morgan, Lloyds, National Australia Bank and Wells Fargo.
Rod Lockhart, chief executive officer at LendInvest, commenta: “We are delighted to receive this funding from Chetwood to support the scaling of our BTL and residential mortgage products.
“This funding follows our recent sale of a portfolio of residential buy to let mortgages to Chetwood for £243 million, and further strengthens our partnership with the business.
“The commitment from Chetwood underscores the growing confidence and trust that numerous financial partners have placed in LendInvest. This investment will strengthen our BTL proposition and newly launched residential mortgage product, empowering us to provide competitive products to professional landlords and prospective homeowners across the nation.”