Homeowners in Wales who are struggling with their mortgages could get loans that are interest-free for the first five years under a new £40m scheme.
The loans, which are also repayment free for five years, will be offered to people who cannot afford the increased interest rates, but not everyone will qualify.
The Welsh government says the plan aims to help avoid homelessness.
The Help to Stay Wales Scheme will work alongside support offered by mortgage providers through the UK Mortgage Charter for customers who are struggling to afford their mortgage payments.
The Scheme will provide an option for homeowners who are at serious risk of losing their home by offering a partial repayment of an existing mortgage balance via a low-cost equity loan, secured by a second charge (behind first charge lender), reducing revised mortgage repayments to a level the applicant can afford.
This new, targeted support will help more people at an earlier stage, not just those threatened with repossession, meaning they can stay in their homes and help them avoid the stress of not being able to pay their mortgage.
The Scheme will be operated by the Development Bank of Wales and will be interest free for the first five years. The purpose of the Scheme is to reduce the number of homeowners at risk of repossession and homelessness by offering them time to resolve their underlying financial issues.
Welsh Government Minister for Climate Change, Julie James, says: “The current economic climate presents many challenges for homeowners as they face the significant rise in fuel costs, high inflation, escalating rent and house prices with incomes often not keeping pace.