Smart Compliance Ltd

Smart Compliance is the unique solution for multiple property landlords – a carbon monoxide detection and reporting system offering:

– Total Compliance

– A Complete Record of Monitoring Data

– Continual Protection for Tenants and Landlords

The Smart Compliance carbon monoxide detection system is unlike any other product available. Instead of a simple alarm which only sounds in the home when CO is present in sufficient concentration, our detectors also report 24/7 via reliable SMS to a central portal, recording not just the level of CO, but also the status of the monitor itself. This allows thousands of households to be monitored continuously and in real time by a single operative, with nothing more complex than a smartphone, providing:

– Previously unavailable levels of Public Safety

– A complete and permanently available record of Compliance

– Substantive Evidence that Duty of Care measures are in place

– Valuable Data on the presence of CO at any level (above 10 ppm)

– Real Time data on Alarms, Faults, and Tampers


Compliance Costs Money

Both Social and Private landlords have legal and Duty of Care liability to protect their tenants, and legislation and sentencing are only becoming more punitive. There's no escaping the fact that compliance with legal and Duty of Care obligations carries significant cost. However, by deploying our unique, remote monitoring technology, that cost can be minimised. And at the same time, tenants are better protected and valuable monitoring data is captured, 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, with no need to make appointments or knock on doors.

Why Fail to Deploy this New Monitoring Technology?

We are confident that no other CO monitor comes close to offering the package of cost and performance benefits of the Smart CO Detection System. So, what's to stop you trialling the system in your own housing stock? Contact us today and we'll be happy to answer your questions!

For further information, visit and follow us on Twitter @Smart_CO1.

Tel: +44 (0) 1698 840 425

Email: [email protected]

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