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Moving house one bit at a time

27 October 2015 21461 Views
Moving house one bit at a time

Buying and moving into a new house is a stressful business at the best of times, but people invariably add to their woes by setting huge, looming deadlines. At Boxman, the self-storage company that delivers, we’ve noticed that the stresses and strains of this process are notably relieved when you space your project out over time.

Other aspects of a house sale are given time, just as the moving process should be. It’s a huge job involving careful decision-making, costing and quoting, logistics and hard graft, and yet most people try to cram everything into the days immediately before the move. You wouldn’t expect to find a property, put an offer in on it, ready the paperwork and exchange contracts all on one day, so why would you expect to get everything you own into a box and onto a lorry within a matter of hours?

By using a modern, on-demand self-storage company to help with your move, you not only save time and money, but you also save yourself a spike in blood pressure. With a company like Boxman, you can order sturdy, durable boxes online, have them delivered to your door and then take the time to decide what gets to move with you and what ought to go to the charity shop. Once you’ve filled your boxes, we’ll take them to a secure storage location where they look after them until you’re ready.

Because you’ve digitally tagged each box, once you’ve arrived at your new place you can recall your stuff bit by bit, meaning that you don’t find yourself in a new house piled high with junk. This way, you get to put your new home together all in good time, finding out what goes where without looming box towers around you, demanding to be unpacked. And Boxman doesn’t just deal in boxes. We take loose items that won’t fit in our boxes, too, as well as certain items of furniture. Check out our website for further info – the link is below.

Of course, you could always use traditional self-storage, but then you’d be adding to your to-do list by having to go out to the warehouse whenever you need anything back. Boxman eliminates that difficulty by delivering your items back to wherever you need them. And because you pay by the box rather than by the storage room, with insurance already included in the price, you get to save a bit of cash while you’re at it.

So, if you’re moving house in the London area any time soon, it might be best to start thinking about in moveable chunks, sooner rather than later. Give yourself room to get the move right.

For more information on Boxman and how they could ease your house move, check them out at: storage London

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